Killed By Jason Award on F13 Game XBOX – Twitch TV Boy in a Bikini – Achievement Award – Dance Party – Pop a Squat in the Bushes
Skinemax BQueen of Late-Nite TV Boy in a Bikini – Achievement Award – Dance Party – Pop a Squat in the Bushes
Watch live video from MissRebeccaLove on Friday the 13th (drinking game) Drink (1) Kicked out of Session 3 mins wait time in sessions Call Jarvis Break free from Jason
I am so glad I can get little clips out of my gaming experiences. Watch me fumble with my new adventures and games like, “Friday the 13th” scare the shit
I am always trying something new. Now I am on Twitch TV and learning a few new games to play along with my fans. Are you a gamer? Would you